The Joyce Drohan Travel Award 2025

Application is now open!


How to Apply


A $10,000 travel award has been made available annually through a gift from family and friends in memory of Joyce Drohan (1954-2022) for a student enrolled in a graduate program at the UBC School Of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Students must be in their second or graduating year of an eligible program and undertaking travel to expand their knowledge of sustainable architecture or sustainable urban design. Joyce Drohan was an award-winning architect and urban designer of public sector projects and sustainable communities. She was especially interested in shaping meaningful places that expressed the historic, cultural and social aspects of a community, underpinned by sustainable design. The award is made on the recommendation of the UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.


She was an architect, urban designer, and teacher, who grew up in Toronto but made Vancouver her home. It was there she established a life with Roland Kupfer, a fellow architect from Chile. Joyce and Roland met when they both worked on the Ismaili Centre in Burnaby at the offices of Bruno Freschi in Vancouver. Through that project and that office, Joyce formed friendships that endured, even as she moved on to other practices, including James K. M. Cheng Architects Inc and Perkins & Will.
